Coloured, recycled glass mixed with resins and suitable for internal walls.

Decorative Appearance
Glassline is available in a number of colours and can be combined with any of our other range of finishes to create a variety of different effects. It is expecially suited for use as logos and bespoke graphics.

A Glassline, resin bound surface covering can be applied to almost any internal wall and will smooth most irregular surfaces. It will adhere to concrete, tile, wood and metal, when made ready for application*

Typically a surface area of 100sq metre can be completed within 24 hours, with a further 24 hours allowed for drying.

The Result
  • A natural, highly durable finish
  • Seamless
  • Decorative, can combine colours to create logos/bespoke graphics
  • Easy and quick to install
  • Easy maintenance
  • Stain and scratch resistant
*Any solid surface made rough and exempt of residue
(oil, lubricants, old paint or dust) and dry.Coloured, recycled glass mixed with resins, suitable for indoor walls.
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